146. <A> Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry
Author: / Edited by Christine Gerrard
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: English poetry - 18th century - History and criticism,شعر انگلیسی - قرن۱۸ م - تاریخ و نقد
Classification :

147. A companion to psychological anthropology :modernity and psychocultural change
پدیدآورنده : edited by Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton
موضوع : Ethnopsychology
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
148. A Companion to the British and Irish novel 1945-2000
Author: edited by Brian W. Shaffer
Library: (Tehran)
Subject: ، English fiction -- 02th century -- History and criticism -- Handbooks, manuals, etc,، English fiction -- Irish authors History and criticism -- Handbooks, manuals, etc,، Ireland -- Intellectual life -- 02th century,، Ireland -- In literature
Classification :

149. A companion to eighteenth-century poetry
Author: edited by Christine Gerrard
Library: Vali Asr University Central Library (Kerman)
Subject: English poetry
Classification :

150. A companion to eighteenth-century poetry /
Author: edited by Christine Gerrard.
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Allameh Tabatabaei University (Tehran)
Classification :

151. A companion to modern British and Irish drama, 1880-2005
Author: edited by Mary Luckhurst
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: Handbooks, manuals, etc ، English drama - 02th century - History and criticism,Handbooks, manuals, etc ، English drama - Irish authors History and criticism,Intellectual life - 02th century ، Ireland,Intellectual life - 02th century ، England
Classification :

152. A companion to psychological anthropology :modernity and psychocultural change /edited by Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton.
پدیدآورنده :
موضوع : Ethnopsychology.
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
153. A companion to the British and Irish novel 1945-2000
Author: / edited by Brian W. Shaffer
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Mazandaran University (Mazandaran)
Subject: English fiction- 20th century- History and criticism- Handbooks, manuals, etc,English fiction- Irish authors- History and criticism- Handbooks, manuals, etc,Ireland- Intellectual life- 20th century- Handbooks, manuals, etc,Ireland- In literature- Handbooks, manuals, etc
Classification :

154. A companion to the British and Irish novel 1945-2000
Author: / edited by Brian W. Shaffer
Library: Ilam University Central Library (Ilam)
Subject: English fiction 20th century- History and criticism Handbooks, manuals, etc,English fiction- Irish authors- History and criticism Handbooks, manuals, etc,Ireland- Intellectual life 20th century Handbooks, manuals, etc,Ireland- In literature Handbooks, manuals, etc
Classification :

155. A survey of Islamic history -- Why an introduction to Islam specifically for Jews? -- Arabs and Israelites -- Pre-Islamic origins -- The emergence of Islam -- Muhammad and the Jews of Medina -- The death of the prophet and the expansion of the community -- The conquests -- The caliphal dynasties -- The decline of the Muslim world -- God, the Qur'an, and Islamic law -- God -- The five doctrines or "pillars of faith" -- The evolution of a formal theology -- The Qur'an -- The interpretive tradition -- The prophetic record -- Islamic law -- The workings of shari'a -- The umma: Islam in practice -- The umma and the caliphate -- The five pillars of Islam -- A sixth pillar? Jihad -- The range of practice among Muslims -- Sufism -- The shi'a -- Mosque and clergy -- The calendar -- The Muslim life-cycle -- Personal observance. 0
Author: Reuven Firestone.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

156. Abl family kinases in development and disease. ]CD[
Author: ]edited by[ Anthony J. Koleske
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: ، Protein-tyrosine kinase,Pathophysiology ، Protein-tyrosine kinase,metabolism ، src-Family Kinases,drug effects ، Cell Physiology,physiology ، src-Family Kinases

157. Acknowledgements. Introduction -- Part 1. Bringing the female subject into view -- 1. The trouble with patriarchy / Sheila Rowbotham, Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor -- 2. Feminism and history / Judith M. Bennett -- 3. Golden age to separate spheres? a review of the categories and chronology of English womens' history / Amanda Vickery -- 4. Politics and culture in womens' history : a symposium / Ellen Dubois, Mari Jo Buhle, Temma Kaplan, Gerda Lerner, and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg -- 5. Womens' history and gender history : aspects of an international debate / Gisela Bock -- 6. History and the challenge of gender history / Penelope J. Corfield, June Purvis, and Amanda Weatherill -- Part 2. Deconstructing the female subject : feminist history and the linguistic turn.-- 7. Gender: a useful category of historical analysis / Joan W. Scott -- 8. Does sex have a history? / Denise Riley -- 9. Gender history/womens history : is feminist scholarship losing its critical edge? / Sonya Rose, Kathleen Canning, Anna Clark and Mariana Valverde -- 10. Gender as a postmodern category of paralysis / Joan Hoff, Susan Kingsley Kent and Caroline Ramazanoglu -- 11. Postmodern blackness bell hooks -- 12. Contingent foundations: feminism and the question of "postmodernism" / Judith Butler -- Part three.-- Searching for the subject : lesbian history -- 13. Who hid lesbian history? / Lillian Faderman -- 14. Does it matter if they did it? / Shei
پدیدآورنده : Sue Morgan [editor].
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
158. Aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery :
Author: edited by Seth Thaller and Zubin J. Panthaki
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Breast-- Surgery,Mammaplasty,Breast-- surgery,Mammaplasty,Postoperative Complications-- prevention & control,Reconstructive Surgical Procedures-- methods,Reoperation
Classification :

160. Art history versus aesthetics
Author: edited by James Elkins,Series
Library: Publishing Library of Samt (Tehran)
Subject: Art- Historiography- Congresses,Aesthetics- Congresses
Classification :